Friday, December 20, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S4 Catches Fire

Samsung Galaxy S4 Catches Fire

Only a few days ago, a report came online that an unlucky customer had their Galaxy S4 catch fire, might be caused by a battery defect

The whole news is  alerting, and the images also. While in old cases we have thought that the reason might about the authenticity of the story, here we can see it is an original samsung galaxy s4 charger that has been malfunctioned, causing damage. We are not confident to say that all the previous damages caused by the same reason, but one or the other the reason might be, But the mobiles are lightening their torch with fires.

With this incident owner of that mobile contacted Samsung service, they requested that the phone be sent in for a examine. Anyways, they sent the phone back claiming that it is “damaged beyond repair”(DBR), and now she has lost her device. She went so frustration about the company's reply, but she is pretty bothered that this might create great damage for an one

It seems as though Samsung s4 mobile are becoming time-bombs, did they really have a problem with faulty chargers and/or batteries on their hands, and they not doing a great job of keeping customers happy after the incidents. We heard earlier this month the same silence from the company regarding another case, anyways they are not going to replace the device too, and we may be seeing a similar case emerge here.We can clearly see that this company only deals with their profits of selling their units but not interested to rectify of to give good service for the users.

Now seeing all the issues, we also raise a word that company should take care about their chargers/ batteries from the further units and lets hope so.