About Us,
About androidtutsplus.blogspot.com
Welcome to androidtutsplus.blogspot.com. androidtutsplus's blog is an Information blog mainly focuses on jobs and its related details powered by androidtutsplus's Network, an online venture by Mahesh. Oficially androidtutsplus.blogspot.com was launched on 1st June 2012. But the birth of keyword "androidtutsplus" came when mahesh started his Journey towards jobs in the year 2006.
androidtutsplus.blogspot.com features Tutorials for all computer languages , Interview questions about all types of software field jobs, Technology Updates, How To's about different educational stuff, etc..
androidtutsplus.blogspot.com’s main aim is to give full details of interview questions and tutorials in diverse languages to its readers and bloggers to tell and update them with latest movies updates, some of the great tips and tricks over the internet and blogosphere. In androidtutsplus.blogspot.com we try to make our visitors few minutes of visit a worth.
If you have any innovative or creative ideas that you think it’s useful for our beloved readers please don’t hesitate to share with us. Use this mail mahesh102006@gmail.com to send us your feedback, comments and questions.
About the Author
Me, Mahesh professionally an Engineer with knowledge on diverse technologies. Me, the Author, Founder, Editor, Blogger and the Technology addict. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Electronics and communications.
My hunger started towards technology in the year 2006. Since then i am working on diverse technologies starting from Java to .Net to PHP. Now i am settled in Software. Of course, i do work on other technologies also if requirement persists. But due to my passion in publishing the data and sharing ideas and thoughts and mostly intrested in same area , So i started this blog for fellow androidtutsplus's.To know more about me please find the below links.